Tuesday, January 24, 2012

FIVE months

I can't even believe that Jayden will be 6 months old tomorrow. It seems like just last month we were in the hospital. *sigh*
Jayden turned 5 months old on Christmas day & I was way more excited about Christmas than she was, obviously. We opened her presents that morning & her favorite thing was, drum roll please...a box! Yep, the box had a picture of the toy on it & she actually laughed & smiled at the box. Didn't even get that same reaction when we took the toy out of the box. Well, I guess we know what to get her next year.
New Years Eve was wonderful, a kid is the perfect excuse to not do anything! NYE is so overrated & there's always pressure to do something that never meets your overly high expectations. This year we stayed home & watched movies & it was the best NYE so far.
If you didn't know Jayden has slept in our bed since she was born. I don't however want her to stay in my bed now that she's older & can move around. So we have tried the crib a few nights but it hasn't been a huge success other than the 1st night. I have started putting her down for naps in her crib & even though she fusses for a few min she falls asleep on her own. It's a good start. All I have to do to put her to sleep at night is lay down with her in our bed so I told Stephen they need to make cribs large enough for Moms to lay down with the babies lol
She has developed quite the personality & other than a hot temper (don't get between her & mealtime) is an exceptionally good baby. She is wild & loves to jump in her jumperoo. She also is quite fond of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...I should instead say she LOVES it! She laughs at the Hotdog song. (if you have kids you are now singing it in your head, you're welcome) She has mastered rolling from her back to her stomach & thinks she's hot stuff. She will be crawling in no time. I get a monthly email from Similac about your childs milestones for each month & it's crazy to watch her do all of it when they say she will. I love it & am proud of her but it's bittersweet because I know the older she gets the less she needs me. Oh well, I'm sure that's how all Moms feel.
She goes for her 6 month check-up on Feb 2nd & I can't wait to see how much she has grown. We finally added some fruits to her meals & of course she loves them. I would guess she weighs @16lbs right now. We shall see!
Here are some pics from Christmas & others from 5 months.
The box!!

One Christmas outfit.....

Another Christmas outfit

Her jumperoo!