Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SEVEN months

I usually try & write at the end of the month about that previous month but I forgot to post this one until now!
7 months, wow! It felt like she was 7 months for a week & now she's halfway through month 8:( Have Moms found out a way to slow down time yet? I wish the annoying saying about "enjoy it while you can because it flies by" weren't true...but it is. She is still not crawling though I guess she sees no need for it. If there is something she wants she scoots, rolls, & manuevers her way until she gets it. She has a huge array of facial expressions to keep you laughing. I love when she learns something new that she can do because she does it constantly for a week or more. She now scrunches up her nose & snorts at you...especially if you stick a camera in her face. She is proving to be a strong willed stubborn little bit. We shall see how this works out as we are working on "no". She not suprisingly has Stephen wrapped around her chubby little finger! She even dictates how he holds her while he carries her around.She twist until he holds her infront of him like she's sitting on her throne being carried around lol He has held her like this since she was born so she could look around & because of that she only does it with him. Spoiled rotten! She loves it when she gets her way too, her legs(which NEVER stop moving) kick into high gear:)
She is offically saying, "Momma" She has said it before but now she says it all the time & I LOVE it. We are still working on "Da Da".
Here are some pics from 7 months.