Sunday, July 29, 2012


I swear I need to start writing these post sooner because my memory is horrible! I know I'll probably end up leaving a lot out from month 11, oh well. Let me start by saying that if you have been around Jayden you know 1st hand that she refuses & I mean refuses to say, "dada". It's become like a game to her...every time you ask her to say dada she says momma instead. Every time! Trust me we have been trying to get her to say it since she was 7 or 8 months old. Now, she obviously knows exactly who Daddy is & will even point to him but she just will not say it. It's become a running joke around here. I swear she is doing it on purpose, totally just messing with us. This month she added "Nana" (which is what she calls my Mom) to her vocabulary. Stubborn, just stubborn because we all know she can say dada she just won't.
She now has almost 10 teeth! I checked her mouth one evening & discovered she was cutting 6 teeth at once:( We had no idea because she had been so good about it & wasn't acting like they bothered her. I think 3 or 4 of the 6 have already made it all the way through & the others are still trying. I had no clue a kid could cut that many at once.
She has started pulling up more & has started to scoot along the couch. She thinks she is hot stuff when she stands holding the couch. She always smiles & looks at one of us like ok you can clap now, haha! She is obsessed with phones so I found an old one that we don't use anymore & gave it to her to keep as her very own. Seriously, I should have got her on camera because her reaction was hilarious. Her eyes got huge & she just held then phone up & laughed. I guess she was amazed because I never let her play with ours so it was the best thing ever to her. I told her to say hello into the phone & she held it up to her ear...smarted kid ever ;) Of course I thought it was the greatest thing because we didn't teach her's funny the things kids pick up on just by watching you.
Ok don't judge this next part but we thought it would be hilarious to put a wig on Jayden...& let me tell you it was hilarious! She looked awesome, haha!

 We had her birthday party technically while she was still 11 months old because her bday fell in the middle of the week on a Wednesday. My sister, Mom, & niece all helped with the party & it wasn't stressful at all....sarcasm? A lot of ideas we got from Pinterest & I think it turned out to be a great party. Jayden loved it & had a blast & that's all that matters. She had the cutest lace romper for before cake & another smocked dress for after. If you're reading this & you were there THANK YOU for coming & celebrating her big day:) It was a lot of people but I enjoyed it & I hope everyone else did too.
 She also got a pink play phone & pink car at her party:)
I love this sweet lil dress on her!