Thursday, September 19, 2013


Swinging with her Daddy!

This month held a couple of 1st timers for Jayden. The weather was nice after her cousin Cassady's bday party we decided to take Jayden to the playground. She got super sleepy so all we did was swing with her but it was worth the short trip. She loved it so much! Look at that smile!

Having a lazy day at the zoo!


Even though it was October it was nearly in the 80's so Malina & I decided to take her 2 boys & Jayden to the zoo. It was Jaydens 1st trip & even though she's to young to understand she still had a great time. She never ceases to amaze me at how good of a baby she is sometimes. She was perfect the whole trip. Now I was thinking the opposite would happen because that morning when she got up she wasn't in the greatest of moods but I think she enjoyed the change of scenery & being outside all day. She never cried, whined, or fussed at all. We all had a great time!

She has still not started walking...I hate to say it like that "still not" because I don't feel like it's a big deal that she's not walking yet. She was a late crawler & we assumed she would walk later than most as well. She reminds us time & time again that she does things on her own time & when she wants too which is fine by us. Now I will be the 1st to admit that being our 1st child we tend to baby her & her being carried around by us like a queen probably doesn't help lol She is only a baby once so we are going to enjoy every minute of it while we can. She walks along the furniture but gets scared to let go. She has started trying to figure out how to stand up on her own from a sitted position without holding on to anything. So far, that means she just puts her head down & butt in the air lol She will hold that pose for a minute & then sit back down.
I guess I should mention that this month just like every other month she still will not say daddy. Maybe by the time she is 2 we will get it out of her. She will now go up to Stephen & pat his chest while saying Momma! lol She is definitely messing with us.


I mean seriously? How cute is she?

Ok, y'all this kid is growing up overnight! Her hair has gotten so long it's turned into a baby mullet! She can now rock out little pigtails.
She is doing a lot better with her eating this past month & has now decided she loves chicken and mac & cheese. Yay, she's not living off just green beans & ritz crackers anymore! Though she still puts those away like nobodys business. One night we went to Jacks for dinner & she ate an entire serving of green beans, a chicken leg, & some of my fries. This was unheard of for her since most stuff she takes a few bites then starts spitting it out. She was so full we took her pants off & her let her ride home in her shirt & diaper. Now that's some good redneck parenting right there! It just seemed way more comfortable!

haha, loving that rib bone!

On labor day we took her to visit Stephens grandparents in Huntsville & she had a blast! His grandpa gave her a capri sun, chips, & a chocolate pudding cup. Oh & also an Alabama hat because she loves hats. He was her new fav person obviously. She was so good that day considering she didn't take a nap. They had some bbq & my mo-in -law gave Jayden a rib bone to chew on. She didn't hesitate, she knew exactly what to do & she loved it. I'm sure it felt good on her gums since she was cutting in another molar at that time.

On a not so good note she got sick this month for the 1st time ever:( I shouldn't have bragged that she had never been sick because of course it happened after that. She ran a fever for 3days straight with no other symptoms other than just wanted to be held & lay around. At 1st they thought it was a uti but then her labs came back negative after a few days so they said it was likely a fever virus. Up until then she had never been sick so I had never had to experience it...seeing your child sick is horrible & makes you feel completely helpless. I'm so glad it wasn't anything serious. She was back to her normal self in no time!