She went to her doctor this past Monday for a routine checkup, she now (at 16wks) weighs 12lb 8oz & is 23 in long. He said she is doing just fine with her weight gain & growth...she just needed some time to catch up since she started out on the smaller size. He also said we could start introducing baby food (my mother in law will be thrilled lol) which we will do in the next few days. I'm sure she will like it a lot more than the cereal! On a funny note Stephen insist on trying everything that Jayden eats, so I know from him that baby cereal taste awful. He has tried her formula too & when I told him we could start on baby food soon he said he will be tasting that as well. He didn't look to happy though when I told him we would start with squash, haha!
Ok on a make mommy cry note...the other morning Jayden was on her changing table & was so talkative & happy that I decided to record her with our camcorder. I should probably mention that she loves & I mean loves her changing table! I don't know why but she would lay there for hours if we would let her & be perfectly content. Back to the point..while I was recording her she says what sounds like "momma"...I all but passed out from excitement! I knew noone would believe me without the hard evidence so when Stephen came home I showed it to him & he said it did sound like it but he didn't think she knew what she was just happen to sound like it. Now I'm not crazy & of course I knew she didn't know what she was saying BUT I didn't care because all I knew was it sounded like "momma" & I had it on tape! Well....I had stopped the tape right before she said it to show to my Mom later & forgot I had done that & sure enough I recorded over it! I seriously thought I was going to cry when I realized what I had done. Devasting, just devasting! I know it will happen again & hopefully I'll get it on camera next time. She has become so much more vocal in the last few weeks & it's the funniest thing. The other night she was (again) on her changing table babbling away while Stephen & I just watched & the point where I almost burnt dinner. She's so entertaining these days that I forgot what I was suppose to be doing. Here's some pics from 3 months:)
She was a black cat for Halloween....this is the last pic I took in her costume b/c as you can tell she was getting mad! It's my favorite pic tho!
Jayden looks just like her Daddy in the 1st one, especially with those gorgeous blue eyes!!