Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jayden weeks 1-12...

Since I'm late on blogging I'll do a summary of weeks one through 12...well what I can remember atleast. When we brought Jayden home I thought she would never fit in any of her clothes because she was so tiny when she was born. We of course didn't buy any premie outfits & only a few newborn sizes since everyone said, " oh she won't even wear them." My sister went on the hunt for some premie clothes while we were in the hospital but there wasn't a huge selection. For the 1st few weeks of her life she rotated 10 onesies, my Mom & mother-in-law had each found a 5pk of onesies that actually fit her. She didn't start to fit into newborn clothes until she was almost 2 months old. It was a little sleeper & I was so excited I of course had to take a pic of this huge(to me) accomplishment!
Here's some more from her 1st 4wks:)

Jayden had an appointment that happened to be at 4weeks old, it was orginally to make sure her weight was progressing as it should. While there her doc said, "oh well she's 28 days old so we can go ahead with giving her a shot." ....wait what? I was not prepared & after they gave her the shot I picked her up & for the 1st time ever in her whole life she cried real tears. Real tears people! I started to cry all while being glad the nurse had already stepped out because I felt like an overprotective crazy mom for crying. She stopped crying after maybe a minute so it really wasn't that bad but in the moment it was horrible. Here's a pic (at 1month old) I took right before she got her shot & tell me she's not flippin' me off! Haha!
Her next appointment was at 2months old & I made sure to bring Stephen this time because I knew she would be getting another shot. At this appointment she weighed in at a whopping 10lbs! Yay! And she was 21 1/2 in long. She was finally starting to fill out & get some chubby little cheeks. When her doc came in he informed us that she would be getting 4 shots at that visit! I thought, "this should be illegal" Dramatic much? Nah! It was the same story as before, she cried & I cried...guess it will just happen every time. She was fine after a min or so just like the 1st time:) Here's some pics at 2months old.
Sat Night Fever pose?

I should also mention her problems with her ears...up to 2months old she failed 3 hearing test & we later found out this was due to fluid being in both her ears. They tested her nerves & they tested normal for hearing so that indicates the only reason she is showing mild hearing loss is due to the fluid. Luckily the fluid is not infected but it still needs to be gone & has not dried up on its on. As of now our next step is to schedule her to see an ENT & see how they want to treat it. Likely either with tubes or medication to try & dry it up. After all fluid is gone she will be retested once again for hearing in both ears. On another note...she has become so much more interactive in the last month! She smiles all the time, loves to be kissed on, & has gas worse than any baby I've ever seen lol Definitely not lady like in that department yet:) It's hilarious though! About 3 wks ago she discovered her hands & has been working on shoving them in her mouth ever since. It's the cutest thing ever! My Mom swears Jayden will be left handed (like her) b/c she chews on her left hand & reaches for things with her left also. We shall see! It appears that her blue eyes are here to stay:) Which makes her look even more like her Daddy if that's even possible. She started on some rice cereal at 12wks old & in the next few wks we will start on some baby foods. She is growing up on me so fast! Here's a pic at 3months old:)

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