Monday, February 20, 2012

SIX months

Time is seriously flying by! Six months has almost came and gone, in a mere 5months Jayden will be turning a year old! Tonight I saw an adorable pic of a baby playing in the kitchen sink & it hit me how precious babies are. I mean obviously I already knew babies were/are precious but it hit me how sweet this time is...the time when they are actually babies. I stopped & thought how amazing & adorable Jayden is. How quickly this "baby stage" flies by & that's why it is soo precious because it's gone in a flash! You get to watch them discover everything for the very 1st time, watch them accomplish their very 1st words & 1st steps. Try baby food for the 1st time & discover their feet for the 1st time! It makes moments like lastnight for example when Jayden cried for 2 hrs seem like a walk in the park because those hard times pale in comparison to the sheer joy they bring to your life. How thankful I am that God chose me to be her mother & what an honor to help her become the young lady God has already set forth for her to be. Yeah, I'm a wee bit sentimental tonight all thanks to a picture of a baby playing in the sink. I'll stop being sappy now and move on:)

As in my last blogs I've mentioned that Jayden sleeps in our bed & we tried her crib for a few unsuccesful nights. Well yesterday Stephen moved her crib into our room and that's where the above "Jayden cried for 2 hrs" statement came from. Within those 2hrs she slept for @30min in her crib & for the other hr & half we took turns trying to get her to sleep but never picking her up. She would calm down for a minute then start back up, she eventually worked herself up to the point of us caving & bringing her into our bed. She was pitiful:( Call us weak but we couldn't handle her crying to the point of making herself sick. That's not to say we are not going to keep trying the crib because we are. She takes naps in her crib so I know I hope that eventually she will sleep at night in it also. The saga continues...
I also mentioned last time that she had a doc visit coming up, our chunky girl weighs 17lbs 8oz & is 26 inches long. She had a major growth spurt! She is now sitting up by herself and is scooting & rolling around. No crawling yet but she scoots herself forward by putting her face down & butt in the air & then moving her legs. She will lift herself up with her arms but she hasn't figured out that using her legs & arms at the same time would help.
She has had 2 bottom teeth appear this past month. The 1st came through at the beginning of the month & the other came through just this past week. She has done really well with teething so far but I think it may have contributed to her being so upset lastnight & not being able to fall back asleep. She is drooling a lot more than she has in the past & I don't know if that means another tooth is on the way or if it's because of the two she already has. I've been trying to teach her to "give kisses" and the drooling part is quite gross haha! When I ask her for a kiss she will just look at me & wait for me to kiss her then she smiles when I say, "yay". I'm know she thinks it's a game. Another thing that makes her smile is the remotes! Yep, the t.v. remotes. She is obsessed with them and will laugh when you show them to her. I don't quite understand the amusement but hey to each their own. She also loves her some music! She likes the different ring tones on my phone & likes to sit in my lap & listen to my Itunes on the laptop. When I was preggers I would sit with the computer on my lap & listen to music & she would always start moving in my belly so I'm not suprised she loves it:)    
Here's some pics from 6months...

She LOVES being outside!

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