Tuesday, May 1, 2012

EIGHT months

I barely finished writing about her 7th month & now I'm back again writing about month 8:( Sigh! For month 8 we started working more on giving her table food & not just baby food. She loves sweet potatoes so I started with that. However, she hated it! I mashed it but didn't puree it into baby food & she just did not care for the texture at all. She does well with crackers & teething biscuits though. Her doc told us a lot of babies don't like new textures because they don't know whether to chew it or swallow it. She's getting use to some new things though.
Welllll Jayden got her 1st black eye:( It was actually right under her eye on her cheekbone. She was laying in the floor on her tummy playing with a toy & when she went to put her face down she hit her eye on her toy. It instantly knotted up & bruised. I thought I was going to pass out! I've really got to get it under control before she gets older. I know I can't freak out when things happen to her because it will only make it worse for her. Nobody wants their baby to get hurt though. This pic was a few days after but you can still see the bruise. We put an ice pack on it for about 10min & it helped a lot.

She also celebrated her 1st Easter & looked absolutely adorable in her little smocked dress! She was not interested in her basket at all...well, I should say not interested in what was IN the basket but did want to eat the ribbon that was on it:) We didn't have her pic made with the Easter Bunny...honestly those bunny suits creep me out. She obvisouly is too young to hunt eggs so I'm definitely looking forward to next Easter when she will be running around and able to do more.

At the end of the month we decided to try getting her to sleep in her crib. When we tried this before we had decided to move her crib into our room but it still was a disaster. However, I can happily report that she is currently sleeping in HER crib every night & taking naps in her crib. It has been way easier than we thought since the 1st try was horrible. She knows I'm still in there with her & before I don't think she understood that part. So to everyone that said it can't be done that she will still be in our bed in 5yrs...sorry but it can & was done! I have to note that she has a new sleeping position that she only started in her crib...sleeping on her tummy face planted into the mattress! I told my Mom that she was doing it to punish us for kicking her out of our bed lol It's terrifying to walk in & see your child face down in the bed! I let her fall sleep that way then I always turn her to her side.
Until next time...here are some more pics from 8 months:)

I forgot to mention that for Easter her Nana(my Mom) got her this pretty blue dress & bunny ears that have a crown on them. So we decided to take some pics in the field.

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