Saturday, June 2, 2012

NINE Months

Nine months came with 2 new teeth for Jayden. She cut her upper front teeth within two weeks. This go around seemed to be a lot more painful for her as we had many, MANY sleepless nights. I was a walking zombie for a week straight. I felt so bad for her knowing she was in pain, she would wake up @ 6 times a night screaming. Sometimes for 5 minutes & sometimes for 45min.  She cut the 1st top on April 30th then the 2nd one came in on May 8th. After that she was back to her normal self & she looks adorable with her 4 little teeth!
She had her 9 month check-up to which she weighed 20lbs and was 26 1/2 inches tall. He said we were doing a great job & that she was perfect! Finally he didn't say she was too skinny or too chubby just perfect. She was 9 months old and still not crawling & I was surprised he never even asked if she was. When I brought it up he said it was completely normal & that girls take longer than boys & also the 1st born can take longer to crawl or walk. I don't know if she will ever crawl because she rolls & scoots herself to wherever she needs to be. She does get up on all fours and rocks but then drops down and scoots or rolls. She does what she wants to get the job done & that's fine with us. I read a blog once where the mom of 4 kids was saying she regretted pushing her 1st born to do so much before he was ready just because she felt that's what she was suppose to do. I never want to push her before shes ready..I'm actually enjoying her taking longer to crawl because that means she stays my little baby a while longer. Honestly, I don't think we're ready for her to be mobile yet...we're already exhausted haha!
I got to celebrate my 1st Mother's Day in May. Usually I'm not a fan of holidays like that because there's so much pressure for it to be "perfect" & that always annoys me but it was a really great day spent with family & having Jayden actually did make it "perfect".
Here are some pics from 9 months...
Happy Mother's Day!



  One of my fav pics!
     So sassy!       

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